
Solutions for moving forward

Are you the owner of a start-up or a high-growth company looking for venture capital solutions for your business? Are you interested to solidify your company in the market and encourage optimal performance for your business? In that case, venture capital financing may be the right choice for you and your business.

Venture capital is a form of equity financing used to address the needs of entrepreneurial companies that do not have access to more traditional funding sources. Unlike with a traditional loan where you repay the principal plus an interest on the loan, venture capital funding consists of a large investment (often of over $1 million or more) made by a firm in return for an equity stake in your company. This is a great way for new businesses and startups to raise solid capital to help with growth and expansion.

Features of Venture Capital Funding:

  • Great for businesses that have exhausted other traditional funding resources
  • Provides the means to shape a business idea into reality
  • Most often the capital comes with the investors’ back-up of the company with other assistance, resources and mentorship
Western Capital Financial Service, LLC is a BBB Accredited Financial Service in Calabasas, CA